
Accellier is the provider of choice for thousands of people and hundreds of organisations in Australia and around the world. Under our former name SAVE Training, we built a solid foundation on which Accellier now stands, embodying almost 10 years of service to Australia’s Tertiary and Vocational Education Sector. As a testament to this, since our inception in 2010 we have spent only a few thousand dollars on advertising. Our clients are almost entirely referred from our happy graduates and business customers.

Accellier is the trading name of SAVE Training Pty Ltd and is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 32395) that offers a range of nationally recognised courses in education and business Australia wide through our online and face to face courses.

Our mission is to enhance people’s value through excellence in service and learning outcomes.


Upgrade to TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment from TAE40110 or TAE40116

This course is specifically for experienced VET Trainers and Assessors who hold either the TAE40110 or TAE40116 version of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

It is designed as a flexible pathway which:

  • Provides a enriching professional development opportunity for new units of competency
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) opportunities for trainers who are experienced

People who have previously transitioned between Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualifications will remember that much of it was based on equivalent units and credit transfer with just a few gaps here and there. This time the TAE40122 is vastly different from its predecessors.

While equivalent to TAE40116 at the qualification level, at the unit level TAE40122 holds very little direct equivalence (meaning only a couple of units of credit transfer).

Indicative Pricing for the Upgrade

Accellier has adopted a ‘pay-as-you-go’ model. This means that apart from the initial enrolment fee ($390) you only pay when you get things done. It is $220 per unit and you pay for it once you complete each unit. If you don’t complete it, you don’t pay.

For most people the cost will be as follows:

$390 – enrol and get started.

$220 x 10 units paid only as you complete them ($2200 total)

There are 12 units to achieve the TAE40122 however we are assuming you will have credit transfer for the following two units:

  • TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction
  • TAEDEL402 Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace

If you don’t hold these units, then their new equivalent counterparts will be payable at $220 per unit as you complete them.

Accellier graduates do not pay the $390 enrolment fee.

Course Pricing

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Online Workshops

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A practical, supported, online program with live workshops (via Zoom)

This program consists of:

  • Online professional development activities
  • Live online workshops
  • Some self-paced learning
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Face to Face + Online

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Interactive and engaging face to face workshops covering the practical areas of the course blended with online coursework.

Duration: this delivery mode is customised depending on employer’s needs.

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

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This is for if you have previous versions of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and/or recent VET training and assessing experience.

Often this is combined with other delivery methods as completing the entirety of the qualification via RPL is uncommon.

Duration: up to 6 months to complete.

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We have painstakingly mapped the units of competency to bring you the most effective pathway from the TAE40116 qualification. These are the standard set of units offered as part of the upgrade, however we may make slight variations depending on which elective units are held on your previous Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Assessment Clusters + Skill Sets

A key feature of the new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is its structured skill-set model. This allows you to build the qualification over time. You can exit at key points, earning a statement of attainment and skill set for your professional development, then come back and finish it later.

Cluster 1: TAEPDD401 BSBAUD412 TAEDEL311 TAEDES411

  • TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector
  • BSBAUD412 Work within compliance frameworks
  • TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction
  • TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs

On successful completion you will get the new TAESS00028 Work Skill Instructor Skill Set.

This cluster centres around TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector. For the VET trainer and assessor, it’s a fantastic unit and sets you up with a strong plan for your ongoing professional development.

BSBAUD412 slots in nicely here and is not nearly as dull as the unit title would have you believe. In fact, many of the new TAE units involve the skill of working within VET compliance frameworks so it will not create additional work for you.

Most people will have a credit transfer for TAEDEL311 and those who don’t will be able to seek RPL.

TAEDES411 we have meticulously mapped back to relevant TAE40116 units. While not equivalent, there is not too much more work to bridge the gaps on this one.

Cluster 2: TAEASS412 TAEASS413

TAEASS412 Assess competence
TAEASS413 Participate in assessment validation

Many people will have a valid RPL claim in TAEASS412. There are some gaps between this and the old unit but they are not too wide.

TAEASS413 is VERY different from TAEASS403. The older units looked at validation from the perspective of validating assessment tools and processes. The new unit brings it in line with the regulator’s specifications for validation. The main difference is we validate not just newly developed tools, but also look at tools that have been used to assessment people, taking into consideration the evidence students have produced. We have a workshop dedicated to this.

On successful completion of this cluster you will be awarded the new TAESS00019 Assessor Skill Set.

Cluster 3: TAEDEL411 TAEDES412

  • TAEDEL411 Facilitate vocational training
  • TAEDES412 Design and develop plans for vocational training

On successful completion you will be awarded the new TAESS00021 Facilitation Skill Set.

Many people have RPL in these two units and for those who are unable to demonstrate RPL, our streamlined assessment-only pathway will be a great opportunity to validate and refresh your planning and delivery and facilitation skills.

Cluster 4: TAEDEL405

  • TAEDEL405 Plan, organise and facilitate online learning

It will come as no surprise that our industry consultation and research revealed this unit was a good fit for trainers who worked throughout the COVID pandemic. Many people will have RPL in this unit. If not, we have a resource-rich professional development program for this unit. It’s the perfect opportunity to brush up on your online delivery skills.

People who are liking the new skill set model may also wish to do TAEASS404 Assess competence in an online environment and get the TAESS00023 Online Learning and Assessment Skill Set – however this is not necessary if you are just pursuing the TAE40122 qualification. It does give you the option to come back and do it for professional development later on, if you wish.

Cluster 5: TAELLN422 TAELLN421

  • TAELLN422 Use foundation skills resources, strategies and advice
  • TAELLN421 Integrate core skills support into training and assessment

This is an excellent professional development opportunity and there are some equivalences within these units with TAELLN411.

And for anyone who wants the TAESS00026 Foundation Skills Integration Skill Set, all they need to do is TAELLN423 Integrate employability skills support into training and assessment to get this skill set.

Our program for this has a steady 6 month duration. It’s designed for busy working trainers who want the new qualification but are not in a rush.

This is a Professional Development experience.

That being said, highly experienced trainers may RPL the whole thing in a matter of weeks, if they can demonstrate evidence against all of the units.

Remember nobody is required to hold this qualification.

For those who already hold TAE40116 or (TAE40110 + TAEASS502 + TAELLN411) there is no rush – you already meet the minimum requirements.

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If you already hold TAE40116 or (TAE40110 + TAEASS502 + TAELLN411) then yes, however, we strongly recommend you are in at least a casual or part time training role at an RTO so that you can demonstrate the practical requirements for the assessments in this course.

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Ideally, yes. The practical requirements in the units will be very challenging if you cannot access real students to train and assess.

For example, in TAEDEL411 we will ask you to:

  • facilitate face-to-face, in-person (not via Zoom et al!) training sessions based on nationally recognised training products (e.g. units of competency)
  • a series of 3 x 30 minute sequential group training sessions to a group of 4+ learners
  • 2 different individual 30 minute training sessions to a learner who is not part of the above group.
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Yes there are a number of occasions where this is required, unless you are doing this as part of a face-to-face arrangement with your employer, in which case we will likely observe you training live instead.

These may be longer videos or a kind of “highlight-reel” featuring many shorter videos, depending on how you go about the projects.

Our assessors will work with you to determine the best options for your situation. For instance, if you’re currently training people on a regular basis we might encourage you to capture a range of shorter videos over the period of a few weeks.

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There are two sections we want you to read, understand and be comfortable with before enrolling with us:

  1. The Important Enrolment Information section – a combination of a client handbook and general terms and conditions which apply to all courses.
  2. The information below which includes entry requirements specific to this course.

To enrol into a TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment with Accellier you must:

  • Have English language and literacy skills sufficient to undertake study at Certificate IV level.
  • Have access to a Vocational Education and Training (VET) organisation to practice your skills and be assessed in.
  • Be able to demonstrate vocational competency in your proposed teaching and assessing area (Vocational competency is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience, e.g., having industry experience or holding a relevant qualification).
  • Have access to a suitably experienced 3rd party person who can assist us with making our assessment decisions where required (e.g., you have the support of a manager or supervisor to do the course).
  • Have good computer skills – most importantly, the ability organise and manage your files and documents, edit documents, research information on the internet, install and use apps, record video on your phone/iPad or similar. Try our digital literacy self-assessment here if you’re unsure.
  • Have regular access to a computer with a reliable broadband Internet connection (there is a lot of video and audio material in the course, so having a good download speed and allowance is essential)
  • Be capable of self-motivation, time management and creative problem solving.
  • Have a positive attitude and willingness to learn – you understand that learning anything worthwhile can be a challenge and you’re ready for that challenge.
  • Bring a laptop if completing face-to-face training.

Your computer or laptop (this is just a rough guide) should be reasonably modern and you should have an up to date web browser such as Firefox or Google Chrome. It will need to have a word-processing application such as Microsoft Word or access to Google Docs. Generally speaking if you can see and hear YouTube-style videos then you’ll be able to take full advantage of our resources.

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