
Accellier is the provider of choice for thousands of people and hundreds of organisations in Australia and around the world. Under our former name SAVE Training, we built a solid foundation on which Accellier now stands, embodying almost 10 years of service to Australia’s Tertiary and Vocational Education Sector. As a testament to this, since our inception in 2010 we have spent only a few thousand dollars on advertising. Our clients are almost entirely referred from our happy graduates and business customers.

Accellier is the trading name of SAVE Training Pty Ltd and is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 32395) that offers a range of nationally recognised courses in education and business Australia wide through our online and face to face courses.

Our mission is to enhance people’s value through excellence in service and learning outcomes.

Enrolments Open

The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is open for enrolment with Accellier Education.

To discuss your needs, drop your details below and we’ll reach out with some information and an invitation for a free consultation with a TAE Trainer.

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It’s time to talk about the new TAE

The new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and TAE50122 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training have been endorsed.

In this write-up, I answer the following commonly asked questions based on history and experience with past transitions, and what we know about this new course:

  1. Is there a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
  2. Will this affect me as a current student completing TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
  3. What are the changes?
  4. When will there be a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
  5. Why is there a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
  6. Didn’t they only recently change it?
  7. Will I have to ‘upgrade’ to a new one?
  8. Should I do the old TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment if there’s a new one?
  9. What’s the point of doing it at all? They will just update it again!
  10. What does Accellier think about the new TAE40122 Cert IV?


We did a live webinar on the new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment with our TAE community of practice including a Q&A session.


Is there a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

Yes. It is known as the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (same name, different code).


Will this affect me as a current student completing TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

No. The TAE40122 is deemed equivalent to the current TAE40116.

Also, from the beginning, key stakeholders, including the Education Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and the Skills Service Organisation (SSO) have emphasised the importance of not requiring ‘onerous up-skilling requirements.’

The current Standards for RTOs say the qualification required to teach and assess in an RTO is the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. The new qualification has the endorsed wording ‘the qualification is a successor to TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.’ These are very important words as the Standards for RTOs 2015 (the regulations that require a trainer at an RTO, TAFE etc to hold the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment) make reference specifically to the TAE40116 OR its successor.

I’ll go into this more below, but the new Cert IV has more units and is significantly more involved and detailed than the TAE40116.

So if becoming a trainer and assessor is on the cards for you, or you’re currently completing it – keep moving toward your goal, there’s no reason not to.


What are the changes?

It has 12 units of competency:

6 core units

  • TAEASS412 Assess competence
  • TAEASS413 Participate in assessment validation
  • TAEDEL411 Facilitate vocational training
  • TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs
  • TAEDES412 Design and develop plans for vocational training
  • TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector

6 electives

At least 3 electives must come from Group A (below) and the rest may be from any other units below, up to 2 may be from any currently endorsed Certificate III or above, as long as no more than one unit is from a Certificate III.

Group A Training and Assessment

  • TAEASS404 Assess competence in an online environment
  • TAEASS512 Design and develop assessment tools
  • TAEASS514 Develop and implement plans for recognition of prior learning
  • TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction
  • TAEDEL405 Plan, organise and facilitate online learning
  • TAEDEL412 Facilitate workplace-based learning
  • TAEDEL413 Facilitate distance-based training
  • TAEDEL414 Mentor in the workplace
  • TAEDEL415 Complete a practicum in a vocational education and training environment
  • TAEDEL416 Facilitate learning for young vocational learners
  • TAETAS411 Maintain training and assessment information

Group B Learner support

  • TAELLN421 Integrate core skills support into training and assessment
  • TAELLN422 Use foundation skills resources, strategies and advice
  • TAELLN423 Integrate employability skills support into training and assessment
  • TAEXDB411 Plan and implement individual support plans for learners with disability
  • TAEXDB511 Develop and implement training and assessment strategies for learners with disability

Group C General

  • BSBAUD411 Participate in quality audits
  • BSBAUD412 Work within compliance frameworks
  • BSBHRM413 Support the learning and development of teams and individuals
  • BSBTWK401 Build and maintain business relationships


When will there be a new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

The new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is available now.

The initial pilot course with Accellier commenced in February 2023.

The qualification was endorsed by the skills ministers on 18 November 2022.


Why is there a new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

The TAE 2021 Case for Change prepared by PwC’s Skills for Australia basically submitted that the TAE40116 wasn’t fit for purpose. They put forth the following five key points:

  1. TAE units of competency deliver outdated skills and knowledge
  2. Packaging rules of TAE qualifications do not provide adequate flexibility for learners
  3. The TAE Training Package lacks ‘stackable’ skill sets
  4. The TAE Training Package does not support nor clearly articulate the range and diversity of
    career pathways through the VET industry
  5. The TAE Training Package does not appropriately recognise experience of learners with
    prior teaching experience in other education sectors

You can review the full 2021 TAE Case for Change here (PDF download).

Didn’t they only recently change it?

The 16 in TAE40116 indicates 2016 – the year it was submitted for endorsement. However there were significant delays on a number of fronts and the qualification wasn’t event widely available until early 2018 where only a few RTOs such as Accellier were approved to deliver it.

Probably the date that stuck in everyone’s mind was July 2019. That was the date all trainers and assessors ‘had to upgrade’ by. To put it into perspective, that was less than 6 months before COVID 19 first hit the headlines. And now here we are talking about a new one.

Realistically though, it’s right on schedule, and on par with the usual training package review cycle.

Look at the historic qualification changes – it’s always been around a 6-7 years.

A brief history of the Cert IV

  • 2022/23 – TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (6-7 years)
  • 2016/17 – TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (6-7 years)
  • 2010 – TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (6 years)
  • 2004 – TAA40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (6 years)
  • 1998 – BSZ40198 Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training


Will I have to ‘upgrade’ to a new one?

No, you will not ‘have to’ upgrade.

I think this is the big difference this time compared to last time.

The current TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (OR its successor) remains the regulatory requirement for VET Trainers and Assessors working at RTOs.

Here’s a quote from the initial case for change:

It is the intention of the IRC to work with the TAE Strategic Advisory Committee, the Department and VET sector regulators to ensure that currently qualified trainers and assessors are not subject to onerous re-skilling requirements, while ensuring the integrity of training and assessment practices.TAE Case for Change

For the time being, the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment remain the minimum requirement, along with its successor (the TAE40122 version). Therefore:

Either the TAE40116 or the TAE40122 are valid trainer and assessor qualifications.

While people whose main career is VET Training and Assessing may wish to gain the new qualification at some stage as part of currency and professional development, it won’t be like the mad crazy rush it was in 2019, because nobody is required to get it.

We have published some more information about the differences between the two qualifications here, along with information about ‘upgrades.’


Should I do the old TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment if there’s a new one?

At Accellier, we have fully transitioned to the new version. It is no longer possible to enrol into the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. The main reason for this is that there is a mandated teach out period. By the end of 2024, nobody can be awarded TAE40116. Therefore, it is now best to enrol in the new TAE40122.

That said, we believe the current TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment will remain a requirement for VET Trainers and Assessors working at RTOs.

In summary:

  1. If you’re currently doing the TAE40116, keep going. It’s a valid qualification and meets the requirements to be a teacher at TAFE and other RTOs
  2. If you’re thinking of doing a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, you should enrol in the new TAE40122 version.


What’s the point of doing it at all? They will only update it again!

As outlined above in the brief history of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (above), this qualification gets updated every 6 or so years. It’s normal. All qualifications get changed. Some industries have it even more frequently. How can an industry stay current and relevant without changing their qualifications?


What does Accellier think about the new TAE40122 Cert IV?

Our team are excited by the opportunities and flexibility the new qualification structure brings.

Here are some things we are particularly excited about:

  • The ‘stackable’ skill sets – meaning you can complete the qualification from building blocks, getting interim certification along the way
  • We get to really lean into our experience and expertise in e-learning as this can feature more in the new elective structure
  • We get to offer alternative program options with increased emphasis on learner support
  • We are happy about some of the new content which addressed some gaps in the TAE40116
  • We are relieved to see some more flexibility in some of the assessment requirements

We don’t have any concerns about it.

Change like this often generates heated debate, rumours, complaining, etc. The reality is that new qualifications are a normal part of the evolution of any industry.

If you have questions – scroll to the end and drop us a line in the form provided.


What do you think about the new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

Do you have questions, concerns, feedback? Let’s have a conversation about it. This is an area we are obviously passionate about as we’ve been involved in the space a very long time.


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